This Week’s Featured Article


White House confronted Ugandan president over opposition to LGBT agenda.

Representatives of the Biden administration confronted Uganda President Yoweri Museveni regarding his and his nation’s positions on LGBT issues during a recent meeting ostensibly meant to discuss trade, hunger, and climate issues. Once again the White House highlights where it’s priorities lie, seeing that the administration has not been as willing to call out China for its human rights record.

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America Has a ‘Pandemic of Fatherlessness’ Contributing to Gender Confusion, Suicide, and More, Author Says.

“Fifty-one percent of all children in America right now are born out of wedlock, 51%,” Vallotton, the senior associate leader of Bethel Church in Redding, California, says. “In 1950, 4% of Americans were born out of wedlock.”

The results of children growing up without fathers in the home are devastating, Vallotton says, with data revealing that “75% of all inmates grew up without a father,” and “63% of all youth suicides come from fatherless homes.” Read more

There’s A Reason Moving In Before Marriage Makes Divorce More Likely.

Today a lot of young daters assume moving in together is a prerequisite for matrimonial success. But it actually hikes up a couple’s proclivity toward divorce compared to spouses who wed without first cohabitating — a statistic that shocked hosts Jordyn Woodruff and Alex Bennett of Barstool Sports’ “Mean Girl” podcast in Wednesday’s episode. Read more

The Sterility Epidemic.

The New York Times recently published a report on the declining rate of teenagers who are sexually active. According to the report, one reason for the decline might be the widespread availability of online pornography. Some teens may even come to prefer online sex to the real thing since it is considerably less complicated than going through the awkward business of meeting and getting to know another person. One consequence of the porn habit is that it can impair one’s ability to form genuine relationships. As Jonathan Van Maren observes in LifeSite News, “It is undoubtedly true that porn addiction is impacting real relationships, and that the net effect of a generation rewiring their minds to respond to digital sexual toxins are just beginning to become clear—we are facing the highest rate of erectile dysfunction in males under the age of thirty in recorded history.” Read more

Parenting/Parental Rights

Minnesota Will Soon Make Teachers Endorse Child Mutilation To Get A License.

Minnesota’s teaching licensure board will soon require all teachers to be card-carrying Marxists. The card will literally say “licensed teacher,” but recently approved revisions redefine state licensure in expressly Marxist terms: Academic knowledge is out, and power struggle among the classes is in. To be licensed in Minnesota starting in 2025, every teacher must not merely teach about, but personally advocate, the core tenets of critical race theory and transgender ideology. Read more

Pediatricians Promote Pills, Surgery to Treat Childhood Obesity.

Doctors have criticized the new guidance online, saying prescriptions and surgeries are not the cure, but rather proper eating and exercise is the solution.

Dr. Vinay Prasad, a professor at University of California, San Francisco, found it “odd” that doctors “seem to think obesity is not related to what we feed children and how awful their environment is for play, but rather caused due to a deficiency in gastric bypass surgery and GLP-1 agonism around age 12.”

Others criticized the guidance as being connected to benefitting pharmaceutical companies as opposed to helping children. Read more

Our Children Being Poisoned Is the Real Public Health Crisis.

There is a real public health crisis among America’s young people, and doesn’t start with a C. Every day, more than 300 of our children and loved ones are poisoned with fentanyl—an extremely lethal drug often disguised as other medication and hidden in party drugs popular among our youth. Yet most leaders in this country refuse to talk about it, let alone work to stop it. Read more

Sanctity of Life

Colombian surrogacy: unregulated and cheap.

Commercial surrogacy in Colombia is unregulated and common. A feature in the Spanish newspaper El Pais begins: “Finding a surrogate in Colombia is as easy as buying or selling a second-hand car in the classified ads.” Women are paid about US$6,000.

According to Colombian law, the mother on the birth certificate must be the birth mother; she also nominates the father. But for surrogate births, clinics “pay the doctors to provide the names of the parents who bought the baby instead of the woman who has just given birth,” according to El Pais. “The whole business is neatly tied up.” Read more

Doctor Sounds Alarm on Pregnancy-Ending Pills, Says People ‘Refuse to Look at the Science’.

A doctor is warning against the mainstreaming of the abortion pill, proclaiming there is no information on the “long-term consequences” of the pill women are increasingly using to end early-term pregnancies.

Dr. Donna Harrison, CEO of the American Association of Pro-Life Obstetricians and Gynecologists, told CBN’s Faithwire the abortion pill is a “powerful anti-hormone” that blocks women’s bodies from continuing with a healthy pregnancy. Read more

Experts expose ‘dehumanising’ assisted suicide proposals.

Writing in The Times on behalf of the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, Katie Breckenridge challenged arguments from supporters of MSP Liam McArthur’s Bill that it would lift ‘the burden of care’ from the family, “benefit the economy” by not ‘wasting resources’ on nursing the dying, and increase organs available for transplantation.

“This mindset of treating ailing persons as economic burdens and as optimal sources for organic materials dehumanises and could even coerce them”, she said. Read more


Islamic ‘Scholars’ Coalition Endorses Muslim Genocide in China.

A delegation of dozens of alleged Islamic “scholars” representing 14 Muslim countries as part of the World Muslim Communities Council arrived in occupied East Turkistan on Sunday, and remain there at press time, for a Chinese regime-organized tour to endorse the Communist Party’s genocide of Muslims there. Read more

Catholic Hospital Must Perform Gender Transition Surgeries, May Not Claim Religious Exemption, Judge Rules.

Judge Deborah Chasanow reasoned in Hammons v. UMMS that the Catholic hospital system discriminated against a transgender-identifying woman by cancelling a surgery to remove her uterus once they learned that it was for gender dysphoria. “Defendants necessarily and intentionally relied on sex in creating and enforcing a policy that prohibits treatment if a patient’s medical need for that treatment is an incongruence between the patient’s gender identity and sex assigned at birth,” said the Clinton-appointed judge. Read more

New report warns about coercion of religion by Chinese Communist Party.

The Chinese Communist Party uses government-sanctioned faith organizations to control institutionalized religion and to force religious groups to promote the political aims of the state, the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom said in a new report about religion in China. Read more


A horrifying report on sexual abuse in Chicago public schools sank without a trace last week. Why?

If the abuse chronicled in this report had happened in a Catholic diocese, it would have been on the front page of every newspaper in the United States – and possibly around the world.

Apparently this is just scratching the surface of the level of abuse in America’s public schools. The Chicago Inspector General’s report reassures readers that: “there is no indication that the frequency of these occurrences is higher within CPS than in other districts nationwide.”

How consoling for Illinois parents! Read more

French evangelicals convey child protection concerns to the UN.

The report on surrogacy draws attention to the fact that sponsors have brought Ukrainian surrogate mothers to France to give birth “in complete violation of French law”.

“Those facts are constitutive of many offences and are similar to human trafficking”, denounces the CPDH.

The report on minors’ access to pornography was submitted along with the partner associations, Alliance VITA and Juristes pour l’enfance.

It warns that “two thirds of children under 15 have been exposed to pornography, and every month, almost a third of boys under 15 visit a pornographic website”. Read more

State Dept. Announces Grant to Promote LGBT Policy Agenda Overseas.

Americans can agree that everyone should enjoy “freedom from violence,” but not as this grant description defines it. They define violence to include not only threats, abuse, and physical harm, but also intimidation, harassment, and psychological harm. According to the slippery terminology of LGBT activists, simply refusing to celebrate their perversion is psychological harm, not using a person’s “preferred pronouns” is harassment, and preaching against homosexuality or transgenderism is intimidation. Accommodating this totalitarian definition in America has infringed upon the constitutionally protected freedoms of speech and religion. In countries without such constitutional protections, applying the LGBT agenda would only further undermine these natural rights. Read more