Category: Religious Freedom

CPS Called on Hawaii Home-School Mom Due to Religious Beliefs and Appearance of Kids

The notable increase of home schooling in the past few years has led to critics against this educational approach sounding alarms against how parents are teaching their children at home. One family recently experienced this criticism firsthand. Joy Amini, home schooling mom of two from Hawaii, recently got questioned for the care of her children by local authorities, or lack thereof, because of her doctor’s ideological intolerance.

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Best and worst states for religious liberty: report

For the second year in a row, Illinois has ranked as the best state for religious liberty because it has the most safeguards in place, while a majority of other states continue to lack adequate protections for people of faith. The Center for Religion, Culture and Democracy at First Liberty Institute released its third annual Religious Liberty in the States report last week. The report ranks all 50 states based on the presence or absence of religious liberty safeguards. For the second year in a row, Illinois was ranked the best state for religious liberty, while West Virginia was ranked the worst.

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Parents Sue Vermont for Denying Them Adoption License Because of Their Christian Views

Today, the Center for American Liberty filed a lawsuit against the Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) for its unlawful and retaliatory actions against Melinda Antonucci and her husband Casey Mathieu, dedicated foster parents from Vermont. The DCF moved to revoke Melinda and Casey’s foster care license after they refused to agree to facilitate “gender-affirming care” within the foster program.

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Terror attacks force denomination to close 70 churches

Terrorist attacks have forced a denomination to close 70 churches in central Nigeria’s Plateau state, while in the country’s northwest, Christians are celebrating the release of a kidnapped priest. The Rev. Amos Mohzo, president of the Church of Christ in Nations (COCIN), told Christian Daily International-Morning Star News that attacks by Fulani herdsmen and other terrorists have forced 70 congregations in Plateau state’s Mangu and Bokkos counties to stop services in the past two years.

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