Category: Parental Rights/ Parenting

To Combat Summer Boredom, Try Some ‘Ordinary’ Family Activities

Come mid-July, even enthusiastic and committed parents can struggle to find constructive things to do with their children on vacation from school—especially activities that do not involve screens. This is, of course, part of a larger challenge of so many forces that are pulling us away from really being together at home. Often a good approach is turning to the ordinary, the tried and true activities that perhaps we’ve gotten away from.

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CPS Called on Hawaii Home-School Mom Due to Religious Beliefs and Appearance of Kids

The notable increase of home schooling in the past few years has led to critics against this educational approach sounding alarms against how parents are teaching their children at home. One family recently experienced this criticism firsthand. Joy Amini, home schooling mom of two from Hawaii, recently got questioned for the care of her children by local authorities, or lack thereof, because of her doctor’s ideological intolerance.

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Parents, however, were given an unobstructed view of what “time-on-device” was doing to their kids during Covid, when the overreaction of teachers’ unions forced instruction entirely online, in some cases for several years. True, what America’s children received over Zoom was not very different from the lifeless miseducation they had been getting in-person. But a year of online schooling cast education via electronics in a new light, revealing it for what it really was: a drain on the life of kids.

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California bars schools from notifying parents about student’s gender changes

California has introduced a new legislation prohibiting schools from having to notify parents if a student alters their gender, gender identity, or pronouns. Signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom, Assembly Bill 1955 comes after several school districts across the state began implementing policies that required parental notification about these changes, some of which led to court disputes. The law clarifies that educators and school staff are not compelled to disclose any information related to a student’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression to anyone else, including parents, without the student’s consent.

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A Hospital Birth Doesn’t Have to be Dehumanizing

How, while in active labor, my mom—a medical doctor, giving birth at home for the fourth time—told her midwife not to hurry. How, in between contractions, my mom turned to my dad and said, “Wayne, I think you’d better go wash your hands.” How my dad gripped the bathroom sink and swayed dangerously, trying not to pass out at the thought of this unexpected duty. How he was the one who caught me. How he gazed into my eyes in the quiet, otherworldly moment of calm after my head had emerged but while my body was still inside my mother’s womb.

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Parents Sue Vermont for Denying Them Adoption License Because of Their Christian Views

Today, the Center for American Liberty filed a lawsuit against the Vermont Department for Children and Families (DCF) for its unlawful and retaliatory actions against Melinda Antonucci and her husband Casey Mathieu, dedicated foster parents from Vermont. The DCF moved to revoke Melinda and Casey’s foster care license after they refused to agree to facilitate “gender-affirming care” within the foster program.

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