Category: Sanctity of Life

Billion-Dollar Foundation Targets Pro-Life Groups

A significant step in official silencing of opposing political and scientific speech is applying the label of misinformation. The billion-dollar non-profit, Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF), has just launched a project to label certain speech as misinformation, and they have specifically targeted two well-known pro-life groups, Heartbeat International and Live Action.

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Ben Carson gives perfect defense of pro-life position in powerful Tucker Carlson interview

In speaking about abortion, Carson explained that he was a Democrat until his 30s. As a medical professional, he always believed abortion was the killing of another human being, but he didn’t believe he had “a right to tell” others what they should do.
Eventually, Carson rejected that way of thinking. “The thing that really changed my mind is I was thinking about slavery. And I said, what if the abolitionists had said, well, I don’t believe in slavery, but I don’t have any right to tell you what you need to do? What if that had been their attitude? Where would we be?” he asked.

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Bills Could be Hijacked to Legalize Abortions Up to Birth in UK

While there is no explicit mention of abortion, the King’s Speech has set out the Government’s intentions to introduce bills that could be hijacked to allow abortion to be made legal up to birth. In his speech earlier today as part of an Oral statement to Parliament, the King outlined the new Government’s intention to introduce legislation to reduce violent crime, especially crime against women and girls. The Crime and Policing Bill, as explained by a Government briefing, will “strengthen community policing, give the police greater powers to deal with anti social behaviour”.

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