Category: Marriage/Family

To Combat Summer Boredom, Try Some ‘Ordinary’ Family Activities

Come mid-July, even enthusiastic and committed parents can struggle to find constructive things to do with their children on vacation from school—especially activities that do not involve screens. This is, of course, part of a larger challenge of so many forces that are pulling us away from really being together at home. Often a good approach is turning to the ordinary, the tried and true activities that perhaps we’ve gotten away from.

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To Avoid Unfaithful Friendships, Invest in Your Marriage

The time of life when couples are dating, getting engaged, and transitioning to marriage is filled with the thrills and joys of giving and receiving love and loyalty. We are often surrounded by family and friends when wedding vows are exchanged, and mounds of research1 suggests that these same friends and family can also strengthen our marriage and commitment over time. In fact, the social support received from co-workers, friends, and others in our faith and social circles can be a helpful source of connection and support during dark and difficult days.

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4 ways to set kids up for financial success

A recent survey from Bank of America found that nearly half (46%) of adult members of Gen Z are relying on financial help from their parents and family members to get by. Unfortunately, the more you grow up, the more that money needs to be spent on practical things like housing, gas, and other bills, while — without the proper lessons learned early in life — it can be easy for things like giving, saving, and buying fun things to fall to the wayside under financial worry.

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