Category: Sovereignty Rights

‘We’re biologically different’: Women plead with United Nations to keep men out of their sports before someone gets ‘killed’

Former athletes and activists spoke this week at a United Nations assembly urging the international body to encourage sanctions on men who try to compete in women’s sports. Both called for the international sports community to ensure women can participate in athletics without being at risk of harm from men.

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Volleyball Team Risks Forfeiting a Championship to Stand for the ‘Future of Women’s Sports’

The women of the University of Nevada at Reno volleyball team plan to defy their school by refusing to compete against a team with a biological male player. The majority of the Nevada volleyball team voted to forfeit its Oct. 26 game against California’s San Jose State University, where biological male volleyball player Blaire Fleming has led an almost undefeated season.

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This Election Season, Don’t Let Politics Destroy Your Family

As the November election nears, all eyes are fixed on the two major party candidates. But occasionally, we get glimpses of the candidates’ extended families—and the picture is quite grim. In recent weeks, for example, the New York Times has covered estrangements between Kamala Harris and her father, and Tim Walz and his brother. The waning days of the summer saw a group of Kennedy family members condemningthen-candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., and of course Trump has long found himself at odds with multiple extended members of his clan. In most of these cases (Harris is an apparent exception), family estrangements are a direct result of political disagreements. Walz’s brother, is a Republican. RFK Jr.’s family was outraged that he endorsed Trump. And so on.

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University of Nevada women’s volleyball team forfeits match instead of facing ‘transgender’ opponent

The University of Nevada’s female volleyball team has become the latest squad to refuse to compete against San Jose State because it has a “transgender” male on its roster. Nevada players issued a public statement on Monday saying they will not take the floor against the Spartans for their upcoming October 26 match. “We demand that our right to safety and fair competition on the court be upheld. We refuse to participate in any match that advances injustice against female athletes,” they said.

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Federal judge rejects parent’s request to put ‘straight pride’ flags in pro-LGBT classrooms

Double standards between homosexual and heterosexual “pride” may continue to stand in Denver Public Schools (DPS), a federal judge has determined in dismissing a lawsuit by a parent who requested “straight pride” flags be displayed in classrooms. Colorado Politics reported that the case concerns area father Nathan Feldman’s $3 million lawsuit accusing DPS of discrimination for displaying flags representing “non-binary and non-cisgender students” but refusing a request to put flags representing his two straight, non-gender-confused children.

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More Than 30M Christians Could Sit Out 2024 Presidential Election, Study Reveals

Upwards of 104 million people of faith — including some 32 million self-identified Christians who regularly attend church services — are expected to sit out of the 2024 presidential election.
They are likely to hold back from the Nov. 5 contest due to a lack of interest, according to new data from Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, operated by evangelical pollster George Barna.

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Pennsylvania Court Rules in Favor of Parental Right to Opt Out of Gender-Identity Lessons

A Pennsylvania court has ruled in favor of parents who accused a Pennsylvania public school district of violating their civil rights by teaching first-grade children concepts such as gender dysphoria and gender transition. Carmilla Tatel, Stacy Dunn, and Gretchen Melton are mothers of three first-grade students in Mt. Lebanon School District in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, who brought a case against the district, its school board, and one of its first-grade teachers, Megan Williams. The parents claimed that Williams, herself a mother of a transgender child, read aloud to six- and seven-year-old students books that discussed gender transitioning, played a video in class called “Jacob’s New Dress,” and “explained to her students that sometimes ‘parents are wrong’ and parents and doctors ‘make mistakes’ when they bring a child home from the hospital.”

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Teacher Wrongly Fired for Refusing to Use ‘Preferred Pronouns’ Wins $575,000

Peter Vlaming was a well-liked teacher at West Point High School. In 2018, when one of his female students began presenting as a male and using masculine pronouns, Vlaming wrestled with how to respond. Vlaming tried to accommodate the student by using her new preferred name and avoiding the use of pronouns altogether. But that wasn’t good enough for the West Point School Board. The superintendent demanded Vlaming refer to the student using pronouns inconsistent with her sex. When he refused, the school board fired him. In response, Vlaming filed a lawsuit against the school board with the help of Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF).

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New Hampshire parents sue school district for banning them over ‘silent protest’ against trans soccer player

“Parents don’t shed their First Amendment rights at the entrance to a school’s soccer field,” Fellers said in a statement. “We wore pink wristbands to silently support our daughters and their right to fair competition. Instead of fostering open dialogue, school officials responded with threats and bans that have a direct impact on our lives and our children’s lives. And this fight isn’t just about sports—it’s about protecting our fundamental right to free speech.”

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Colorado to pay $1.5 million to Christian web designer who refused to promote homosexual ‘weddings’

Colorado will likely pay $1,500,000 in legal fees to a Christian web designer who it tried to force to promote homosexual “weddings.” Lorie Smith’s attorneys at Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) secured the settlement recently, although it will be finalized in the coming weeks, according to Reuters. The settlement follows a Supreme Court decision in June 2023, which affirmed that Smith and her company 303 Creative could not be forced to create “wedding” websites for homosexuals.

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New hate speech laws scrapped in Ireland

The Irish Government has announced it is scrapping its plans to introduce significant updates to Ireland’s existing hate speech laws, as there is not enough support for the proposed legislation. Remarkably, the legislation had already passed the lower house of the Irish Parliament by an overwhelming margin (114 in favour, 10 against) in April 2023, but began to stall in the Senate as its more problematic features came to light. It had gained international notoriety when it came under fire from X’s CEO, Elon Musk.

Free speech advocates across the world should find solace in the fact that a regressive piece of legislation with dire implications for free speech, is now dead in the water, in spite of being a “sure thing” less than two years ago.

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