Author: unitedfamilies

The State of Moms and Dads in America

Parenting in America has drastically changed in the last few generations. From technology booms to gender role shifts, America is an entirely different world for parents today than it was for any generation before.
So where does that leave the state of parenting today? Well, a lot has changed and is continuing to change, but some of the changes might surprise you. Take a look at the following statistics.

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Indiana Lawmakers Override Governor’s Veto of Ban on Biological Males in Girls Sports

HB 1041 stipulates that all public and nonpublic schools, athletic events, and specific sports associations define a sports team or sport as one of the following: “(1) A male, men’s, or boys’ team or sport; (2) A female, women’s, or girls’ team or sport; [or] (3) A coeducational or mixed team or sport.” It explicitly prohibits biological males from participating in sports or being on a sports team defined as being for biological females.

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Dobbs and the Pro-Life Future

Helping make abortion vanishingly rare means figuring out how to encourage marriage where it seems to be disappearing, and supporting efforts to make it easier for mothers (and fathers!) to better navigate family, community, and career.

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From ‘the rights of women’ to ‘abortion rights’: the loss of a moral vision

a. By contrast, the vision in question is one that demands sexual self-mastery of both men and women. It sees men and women not merely as individuals but as persons embedded in relationships, starting with the family. It requires mutual affection between husband and wife and for their children, and equal engagement by husband and wife with the family project. It puts duty before rights, and virtue before power.

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